For Adjustable Oil Level Models

Why is there water flowing out of the oil outlet?
Most likely, the adjustment has been set too high. Re-Adjust the 'T-Bar' as described in the commissioning section of the manual.

Why is there oil mixed with water flowing from the clean water outlet?
Most likely, the adjustment has been set too low. Re-Adjust the 'T-Bar' as described in the commissioning section of the manual.

For all VGS Models

Why is there water flowing out of the oil outlet?
Ensure the back flush valve is not closed.
Check there is no build up of sludge within the VGS - if there is then it requires servicing. Refer to maintenance section of the manual.

There is an odour/smell emanating from the VGS, why?
This occurs when the VGS is not operated frequently as the water can become stagnant. Run fresh water from a hose into the top of the VGS for 5 minutes.

Why is the waste water not being pumped into the VGS?
Check the floating swith is operating correctly. If not, then re-adjust the high & low setting of the float. If faulty, contact an electrician to repair or replace.
Check the suction line for blockage. If blocked, remove and clean (the holding pit is probably full of silt and requires cleaning).
Ensure the pump is working as the overload may have tripped out or the suction line may be cracked. Depending on which, reset the overload on the motor or replace the cracked suction line.